supporting Haitian communities in their efforts to build and sustain healthy families
Country Of Origin
United States
Country of Operation
Long Term Plan
Develop coordinated cervical cancer prevention efforts across Haiti in partnership with MSPP and SHOG.
Annual meetings of NGOs, MSPP and SHOG to advance cervical cancer prevention.
Add OR and MD staff to CV Women's Health Center to allow C-sections, etc. in the rural community around.
Partner with FSIL to advance training of post-graduate nurses.
Ongoing Projects
Completing enrollment of 5000 women in PaP & Fondwa in HPV screen and treat with cervical thermoablation and entry into REDCap registry
The founders of FHM have been supporting women's health care in the Leogane area since June 1993. FHM's primary efforts have been focused on cervical cancer prevention and FHM was one of the co-founders of the cervical cancer prevention alliance, Haiti sans Cervical Cancer. FHM introduced HPV testing to Haiti and has screened over 50,000 women. FHM supports the Carmelle Voltaire Women's Health Center (CVWHC) in Tom Gato, Haiti, which is one of the training sites for the Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de l'Université Épiscopale d'Haïti. The CVWHC is also a birthing center staffed by Haitian-trained midwives.
Developed cervical cancer registry in REDCap (partnership with BHI)
Introduced cervical thermoablation of the cervix (partnership with BHI)
Changed HPV detection lab from CareHPV to Atila Biosystems Multiplex High Risk HPV Real Time Fluorescent Detection